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Unique growth formula development workshop for MSPs

In the increasingly competitive world of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and cloud providers, it is crucial to stand out from the rest. Here, understanding your unique value and communicating it effectively is essential. This challenge is precisely what Force21 and Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s Go-To-Market workshop addresses. This workshop, led by experienced industry professionals, offers a unique opportunity to define and maximise your differentiating value, thus promoting your success in the market.

The growth formula: A revolutionary approach

But how exactly can you stand out in this market? That’s where the growth formula comes in. This unique formula is an innovative approach that helps you create your growth strategy by bringing together your unique strengths and the needs of your ideal clients. Essentially, the growth formula helps you define a unique proposition and offers that resonate with your target audience, allowing you to maximise value and drive growth.

Moreover, the growth formula is designed to help you navigate the challenges of a tight labour market. By identifying your strengths and those of your team and making the most of them, you can effectively grow and strengthen your position in the market, even in the most competitive conditions.

Consolidation as opportunity rather than threat

Consolidation in the market may seem like a threat at first glance, but it offers an excellent opportunity to differentiate yourself and increase your value. The growth formula allows you to make a strategic choice that strengthens your position in a consolidated market.

The key to this process lies in creating a unique proposition tailored to a unique target audience. With the growth formula, you develop an approach that seamlessly positions your business to thrive in a consolidated environment. This strategic choice reduces competition, strengthens your value proposition and creates an exclusive space in which your company can excel.

The result? A unique place in the market that makes you immune to the negative effects of consolidation. On the contrary, you become a unique player who takes full advantage of the consolidation trend and positions yourself for long-term growth and success. The choice becomes less a matter of ‘dealing with consolidation’ and more a matter of ‘profiting from consolidation’ by creating irresistible value in a specific market niche.

Building a valuable portfolio

Developing a valuable portfolio goes beyond simply having a diverse product offering. It’s about building a collection of services that seamlessly match the specific needs of your target audience. This perfect match makes the sales process much smoother and easier. You offer precisely what your customers need, making your sales process less of a ‘push’ and more of a ‘pull’.

The results are clear: a streamlined sales process, less customer resistance and a stronger competitive advantage. The portfolio you create with the growth formula is robust and perfectly aligned with your market, facilitating sales and leading to continuous growth and success.

The role and benefits of the Go-To-Market workshop

The workshop will allow you to go deep into the growth formula and get insights and advice from experienced professionals who have already applied the formula at various MSPs at home and abroad. These experts, Thijs van Hofwegen, Tjarko Kwee and Jurjen Uijttenboogaart, will share their experiences and guide you through the unique challenges and opportunities of the MSP and Cloud provider market.

Participation details

The cost for this valuable workshop usually is €795 per person. However, thanks to our partnership with Hewlett Packard Enterprise, we can now offer this workshop for free. This is a unique opportunity to get valuable insights and advice and to take your business to the next level. To register and take advantage of this great opportunity, follow the link here. We look forward to welcoming you to the workshop!


We live in an era of rapid change and intense competition, especially in the world of Managed Service Providers and cloud providers. The ability to differentiate yourself and offer a unique value proposition is crucial to success.

The growth formula, a concept we will cover in detail in our workshop, offers a powerful approach to meeting this challenge. It helps you define your unique strengths, identify your ideal customer and create a product offering tailored to their needs.

Therefore, we invite you to join our Go-To-Market workshop. Don’t miss this unique opportunity. Register now and take the first step to take your business to the next level.


Want to talk to Thijs van Hofwegen of Force21 before attending the workshop on 29 June?

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