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Call Baby, Call

Call Baby, Call

It sounds so simple: as a Sales Representative, you need to contact new customers. Normally, you can make contact in several ways. You can attend trade shows, go to networking events, visit companies, make phone calls, use social media, etc.

But whatever your approach, you should seek contact. Unfortunately, in today’s age, many of the contact opportunities have disappeared. For example, all events have been canceled. And it is almost impossible to visit a prospect.

During the crisis: Sales are dead

It seems impossible to contact potential customers in these times. The early stages of our sales funnel that we built so much on is disappearing? And everyone knows this has major implications for the entire year. This sales year is lost! But Is that so?

Changing times

With the great changes in society in these turbulent times, we are all seeing small and big changes. People and businesses adapt very quickly in this changing world. Home teaching, online shopping, individual sports activities, etc…. People and companies are willing to look at other solution to get the best out of the current situation.

Crisis Value Proposition

By thinking about a Crisis value proposition you can bring out your unique value. And planting in the very fertile soil of change. People and businesses are open to change. We know that things have to change because the old ways are no longer possible. We must change to survive.

As a company or individual you can make a difference if you combine the two things below to help companies:

  1. Crisis Value Proposition
  2. Open to change

But everything stands or falls with making contact. Take your unique offer and get in touch. And the means for this is:



Use the “traditional” cell phone or video call to connect with your audience. Your potential customer has time to listen to a compelling story. With contact and a story from the customer’s perspective, you can still save this Sales year. And when this crisis is over, your new customer will remember this situation. And connect your approach and solution to the victorious change they made.


Do you want to know more or have a talk? Plan a call with Thijs van Hofwegen, the founder of Force21.

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