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The sense and nonsense of a rubber duck

De zin en onzin van een badeendje

As an IT professional, you know marketers and salespeople are now focused on sharing knowledge and information. Sales strategies are evolving from ‘Always Be Closing’ to ‘Always Be Contributing.’ To convince your target audience that you have the best solution, sharing relevant information is essential. However, many IT companies primarily share technical or feature-related information, forgetting that the audience determines relevance. In this article, we discuss how to cater to your target audience’s needs and stand out from the competition using a rubber duck.

What is relevant to your target group?

1. Determine your target audience

Write this down to help you focus and ensure your colleagues are on the same page. By clearly identifying your target audience, you can be more targeted to their needs and interests… Therefore, your first step is to understand who your ideal customer is, and what characteristics (profile) they have.

2. Divide into groups

By dividing your audience into groups based on locations, businesses, regions, or activities, for example, you can determine which topics are relevant to your audience. Conduct surveys, do research, or ask about their interests and challenges. This gives you insight into the themes that appeal to your target audience and allows you to communicate in a more targeted way. The themes you want to use should be something your target audience is struggling with and are forward-looking. We are all looking for something new. “We all want to learn what the future will look like and act accordingly.”

Therefore, share information about the trends you see in their market. That will attract the attention of your target audience. Another advantage of separating groups of potential customers is that you can create an “in-group” feeling. Build your brand and information so that people want to be part of your group.

3. Build and share knowledge

Once you know your groups and their information needs, you can work on building relevant content. Share your own opinion and knowledge on the topic and remain unique. Sharing real answers or insights about your target audience’s struggles is critical. By creating relevant and unique content, you show that you understand your target audience’s needs and how to solve their problems. Sharing real answers or insights about what your audience is struggling with is key. Stay unique and tell a story!

4. Stand out

The challenge lies in standing out. Share new information about the future, and be creative in publishing information and its visual aspects. Find your unique way that is part of your image and surprise your audience with something new and unexpected. By sharing eye-catching and surprising content, potential customers will better remember you and your company. For Force21, the rubber duck makes all the difference.


It is therefore best not to share information about the speed of your current internet service, but more about what the digital disruption will require of the connectivity.

Why is 5G a hot topic in the telecom sector? You guessed it…!

With this kind of information you are already halfway there. Other methods to get noticed are to be creative in the way you publish and share information, or the visual aspects of it. This is all related. There is no specific platform to share information or design to use. Find your own unique way, which is part of your image.

Whatever you do or choose: surprise your audience!

Our brains want to be triggered by something new, something unexpected. It is a combination of something your audience may never expect but nevertheless emphasizes your brand’s strength and recognisability. Use an image, photo, one-liner, text or slogan that is different, unique, a surprise. Your contact person will not forget you. Do you want more insights about the use of NeuroSales? Download our whitepaper: Unconscious influence in B2B Marketing & Sales

Conclusion: The sense & nonsense of a rubber duck

It may seem silly to build your marketing strategy around a rubber duck, but the sense behind this is that standing out within your target audience is crucial to success. A rubber duck is just one example of a creative way to grab your customers’ attention and stand out from the competition.

Force21 understands the importance of standing out and offers services to help you stand out in a competitive marketplace. From identifying your ideal customers and segmenting your customer base to building relevant knowledge and creating innovative marketing campaigns, Force21 is ready to support you at every step.

So, whether you choose a rubber duck or some other creative means to promote your business, the most important thing is to stand out within your target audience and out of the competition. Invest in a marketing strategy that makes your business stand out and engage Force21 to help you achieve these goals. Together, we can make sure you get the attention you deserve.


Do you want to know more or have a talk? Plan a call with Thijs van Hofwegen, the founder of Force21.

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